Zoran Saulig is a keyboard player and composer with special interest in progressive music, dystopian, post-industrial and cyberpunk art.
As a person who is dedicated to music and spends most of the time with the music, he is always active in creative and performing aspects of music life - from studio work to stage performance. The colours of his creativity is based mostly on music he was listening to, such as early electronic music, progressive rock and metal music, jazz music and many more past and modern musicians and bands.
Attended music school in Croatia and graduated from law school. Born in Croatia (EU) in 1979.


The project is mostly inspired by the vision of the dystopian world and atmosphere, using progressive rock as a music platform. Every song tends to reflect present events and phenomena blended with future decadent options that might result as an outcome. The intention is to bring to the listener a feeling of derealization, alienation and anxiety.


  1. Going Home (Instrumental)
  2. Guantanamo
  3. The Reign Of Chosen Ones
  4. Riot Control Unit
  5. Thought Crime
  6. Stop It
  7. See The Dolphins Play
  8. Scars
  9. The City Always Makes Me Run

Dystopification is Zoran`s debut album consisting of stories presented in a dystopian context, which tends to immerse the listener into a dark and gloomy world of social decadence and bureaucratic dominion, overlapped with psychological and emotional experience. It pictures an "orwellian society" by emphasizing social oppression, war and emotional turbulences without giving any hope of change or exit. The songs cover various social classes in a dystopian social system and follow their destinies through events contained in each of the song.
The music could be described as progressive rock with elements of metal and
electronic music. The songs mostly have different sound textures, thus contributing to the sonic contrast of the album.